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Luxor Temple


Luxor Temple ,Have you ever known that in luxury templet there is a processional passage is known as the Avenue of the Sphinxes.?!

Ancient Egypt has always produced a great fascination. Great monuments such as the huge pyramids of Giza, the majestic tombs of the Valley of the Kings or the mummies that are preserved in the Cairo Museum, have fed the imagination of those who enjoy the history and beauty of ancient art.

To know more about Luxor Temple ; here are the most important things about Luxor Temple    


Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is one of the most important temples of Ancient Egypt and its ruins are located in the homonymous city, which is located in the central region of the country, on the banks of the Nile River.

it was mainly for two important pharaohs, Amenhotep III and the great Ramses I: from the latter, we can see two great effigies at the entrance of the Temple.

  various cults in Luxor Temple


The temple has undergone many evolutions since, what was originally a temple of worship to the most important god of the Egyptian pantheon, Amun-Ra, was transformed over the years to house the worship of other deities.

In short, between the passage of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Christians and Muslims, this temple has had cult activity for more than 3,500 years and today it keeps its mosque active, so we can hear the call to prayer while we contemplate The ruins of this pharaonic temple.

  obelisk in Luxor Temple

If we look at its main façade, we can see that before the pylons, there are two sitting statues of Ramses II flanked by an obelisk and the pedestal of what should be its twin, however, the one that is missing is the one currently in the Plaza of the Concord of Paris and which was donated by the Egyptian governor Mehmet Ali in 1830 at the request of the French Egyptologist Jean François Champollion.

 statues in Luxor Temple


Continuing abroad, we will observe that the avenue that develops in front of its main entrance is flanked on both sides by rows of sphinxes with ram and human heads and that reach the doors of the most important sanctuary of Ancient Egypt, the Temple of Karnak In total, 3 kilometers of avenue with around 1,400 sphinxes that constituted a processional passage known as the Avenue of the Sphinxes.


The Temple of Luxor was built between 1400 and 1000 BC by the pharaohs Amenhotep III and Ramses II, the first built the inner part and the second the outer enclosure, adding the facade, the colossi and the obelisks. The temple is 260 meters long and is dedicated to Amun (god of the wind).

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